Vantage Point Movie Review

I love LOST. No, seriously. I am obsessed with the show. I scour the internet looking for hints and clues as to what’s going on. I’ve seen every hidden video, every release at Comic -Con, every still picture taken by some Hawaiian sneaking a peek at the filming.

When I was employed, Thursday morning were always my favorite because I got to do the whole water cooler chat with my co-workers about the show. My boss was just as obsessed with it as me and we’d spend hours (her paying me for the time) talking about theories and possible plot twists. I’m definitely going to miss that talk. I already miss her and it‘s only been two weeks since we last spoke. I think that maybe one of the hardest things about losing my job…. The losing of all those people around me as “friends“..

So, my obsession with LOST includes all the characters and actor, one of my favorites being Jack. Mathew Fox is a hottie! When I saw that he was getting a shot at being a “real” actor and star in a movie, I simply had to see it.

When Vantage Point came out, they hyped the fact that he had a leading role. I was beyond disappointed when I actually got around to watching the film. He had a pivotal role in the movie, but staring, I think not!

The movie is shot from each of a half dozen or so points of view - or vantage points. It’s a kind of novel idea, not too many other movies have used this technique before.

The problem is, this rewind and replay technique gets old, fast. You see the same footage a few times, and while there are some big plot twists, the movie just doesn’t hold your interests. I found myself looking around my living room for other things to do while the movie played on.

I can’t stand when I get bored during a movie. I start to get anxious and think about all the other things I could be doing with my time.

The plot is this - president gets shot. Who did it and why? Is it an act of terrorism? By the end of the movie, I really didn’t care.

If Mathew Fox had a larger role in Vantage Point, at least I would have had his pretty face to keep me distracted.

Overall, I’d say it was a waste of my time. I’m not glad I kept watching it, thinking that maybe, the ending would make the rest of the time spent watching worth while. It didn’t.

**this critique has a couple spoilers, so if you plan on wasting your time and watching the whole movie, I suggest skipping the video below.

I love LOST. No, seriously. I am obsessed with the show. I scour the internet looking for hints and clues as to what’s going on. I’ve seen every hidden video, every release at Comic -Con, every still picture taken by some Hawaiian sneaking a peek at the filming.

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