Monday Movie Mash-Up

Four movies.... all for your consideration


I broke down. I finally turned into super geek. The day that we helped move my brother in law to his new (and first!) apartment, we had some down time. Since it was his big day, he got to pick what movie we’d all watch, and since I stupidly admitted to never seeing it before - we watched TRON. If I didn’t gain some mega-nerd points for watching it I’d be a little disappointed. I’m sure for the time it came out, it was a master piece, but it doesn’t hold up to today’s standards.


Every so often, I decide to play nice and let my husband make a suggestion for my Netflix account. He’s a bit of a sci-fi, fantasy nerd (just a little bit), and I think has a hard time not getting roped in by sequels. The first Alien Vs. Predator wasn’t bad. It was action packed and predictable, but an alright popcorn flick. Same CANNOT be said for the follow-up. It’s more of a teenage horror/thriller with absolutely no plot line. Waste of time.

This Film is Not Yet Rated
This Film is Not Yet Rated is a very insightful and good paced documentary. I had no idea that the movie rating system was so completely screwy. This well-done movie pokes fun at the whole process while also taking the time to actually research and bring into focus all the lies and contradictions in the MPAA’s public stance on the viewing procedures. I great watch that I would highly recommend. My favorite “character” is the private investigator (and her daughter in training)!

Mr. Woodcock

I have a thing for Billy Bob Thornton. I think it’s that little bit of bad-ass attitude mixed with his dry sense of humor. I also think Susan Sarandon is an outstanding actress who makes quality films. She’s had a few flops, but overall, I trust that when a movie has her as a star, I’m in for a good watch. Mr. Woodcock… it came and went through the theatres without too much fanfare. It’s a dry comedy about a topic I find hilarious all by itself - the Self Help book industry. Who can’t laugh at a bunch of middle-aged, over-weight, generally lazy, unhappy folk who think they can solve all their issues by reading one great book? Mr. Woodcock’s not the best comedy ever made, but it’s solid from start to finish and had a handful of scenes I did laugh out loud to. Good hang-over morning watch.

That’s it for my first-ever Monday Movie Mash-up. I watch a lot of movie… too many some might argue. And I only want to take the time (and yours!) writing full, good reviews for the movies that deserve it. But I don’t want to leave out any of the others in case there are some of you out there who would love these flicks. So… I’ve come up with this compromise. Any thoughts or suggestions for next Monday?

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