I got two really great, well thought out “Good Luck Getting a Job in the Economy!” presents - my Netfilx renewal subscription (so I can keep reviewing:) and “The God Delusion” by Richard Dawkins. I had seen Dawkins on “The Colbert Report” about a year back, and enjoyed the interview. Dawkins did a good job defending himself and staying out of Colbert’s traps. Silly me didn’t think to actually buy or go to the library and read his book - but thanks be to InShanee I can now sit back and devour this book. While I usually wait until I have finished reading a book before I pass any judgment, his thesis is just to good to deny. Plus, if I waited until the end, I’m sure I would forget to mention many an interesting idea. So lets begin….
I’ve had the balls to call myself an atheist for a very long time now. I might lie to my father and say I’m undecided, but that’s just because I’m afraid of completely breaking him (he’s still “getting over” the loss of my mom). This book points out what has always been obvious to me - in general, agnostics are just cowardly atheists or believers - depending on the way they tilt. I never considered a full spectrum of belief. In summary…
1. Strong theist.
2. De Facto theist. Belief is just shy of 100 %
3. Higher than 50%, technical agnostic, but leaning toward theism (coward, in my opinion)
4. Exactly 50% - can’t say, refusing to take position. (lazy person who refuses to really put any thought into it and or who is too stupid to actually debate the issue).
5. Inclined to be skeptical. Less than 50%, technically agnostic, leaning toward atheism (coward)
6. De Facto atheist. Just shy of 100% certain.
7. Strong atheist - knows there is no God.
Let that all sink in for a minute. You might be quick to jump into a category.
I know a few category 1’s. Their irrational faith allows them to just “know” that God exists. The whole idea behind atheism is that the evidence points to there being no God. There isn’t any flat out, undeniable truth that there is no God. Therefore, a level 7 atheist is just as much a fool as a level 1 theist. I place myself at a sound 6. While I do not believe there is a supreme being, without solid concrete proof - which given the very nature of belief and religion is pretty much never going to happen - I cannot be a fool and simply have faith in the fact that there is not a God. Which level would you place yourself on?
I’m not bashing people who need to believe in religion, or who still like to practice the ancient customs even though they have a hard time believing in all of them. Go ahead and think there is a God. But be a number 2 (that’s funny). Don’t allow yourself to be completely blinded by your faith. Allow yourself to question new information presented, pointing out the likelihood that the great religions will slowly fade as science brings answers to the many mysteries that once ruled our world.
I’m only on page 83 of this book - it’s a slow read, I really want to grasp all his ideas and have a full understand of his thoughts. I think that it’s helping me to define myself spiritually (or lack there of).
Can omniscient God, who
Knows the future, find
The omnipotence to
Change His future mind?
- Karen Owens
Want some humorous proof that there is no God? Check out….
C.R.Pitt Designs
8 years ago
Hmmm...this is very interesting. I think I would be a level 2. However being a biology/psychology major in college, I would have to say that at least I have formed my faith in an educated way.
Keep up the good posts. I found yours from JMoney's. I'd have to say that I was wondering the same thing about hermaphrodites, myself. Glad I'm not alone.
I am really enjoying the read still. I highly recommend picking it up. I believe that everyone, no matter what level of belief they have, should be educated and cultured in all forms of religion. A good base for belief, or lack there of, is essential in life.
Hi WS and all,
The world descends towards greater disasters and debacle than humanity has ever known, and clueless people are still fighting over ages-old lies and delusions. If we don't take effective and proactive steps quickly, there will be very little left to haggle over. The only way humanity will survive the great dangers that now loom large is through wisdom and cooperation.
In that spirit, I am taking concrete action, in my own way, to end the rancor and deception. Since I am neither an atheist, skeptic, or a follower of any religion, please don't assume that I am trying to defend any of these groups or their positions. In fact, I'm going to kill all of your sacred cows so we can finally have truth, justice, wisdom, and peace.
Open Letter to Religious Leaders
Open Letter to Atheists and Skeptics
The time for the removal of ignorance has arrived, like a thief in the night !!!
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