Abandoned Buildings, Gore Orphanage, and Cuil

I had to do an image search for yesterdays post on The Orphanage. Being honest here, but normally, when I look for images online, I just use the basic google search. I don’t need anything fancy I my search engines, that techno field will be left to my husband, who is forever telling me about the latest way to sort through the same info. Like this new engine called Cuil (pronounced Cool for some reason). Apparently it stinks and crashed the first day it was up and running. So I, being the studious wife, listened intently to him tell me all about the implications of this.

What’s my point? Simple. I tried out Cuil for myself. If I’m going to be a savvy bloggess, then I should try and keep up on all this new stuff too. I never thought I’d be one to use StumbleUpon, but now I can’t imagine a day without it.

I type in “The Orphanage“. Same search I had just seconds ago performed on google, for comparison. This time though, I can’t even find the images filter. There is a little tab, ominously reading “Gore Orphanage”. Huh? I take the bait and learned way too much about some eerily creepy orphanage (duh!) in Ohio. Three different legends surround this place from torture, to two different version of a fire.

Put more elegantly (thanks to The Vermillion Ohio News):
Were the spirits of the helpless children extinguished with the flames, or do they still cry out in the middle of the night from beyond the grave? Do the lost souls wander the area, forever tortured by a reality too difficult to accept? Was the fire sparked by an orphan boy dropping a lamp? Or perhaps it was intentionally set by Old Man Gore, the abusive man who ran the institution, for insurance or just plain sadistic torture?

If I am ever forced to drive through Ohio again, I’m going to have to take a side tour.

Back to google for my image searches for my movie review. Easy enough o find, but I also accidentally clicked on a link of a real abandoned orphanage, which linked me to what has to be one of the coolest sites I’ve happened upon recently.

I tried to sort through the best of them to show you here, but there are just too many. So I’m sure that I’m breaking all sorts of codes here, but these are my favorites. All images are provided by WebUrbanist.


El Orfanato Movie Review

It’s a well documented fact, that horror movie trailers completely ruin the feature presentation. They give away too much plot, they show all the most violent and shocking parts, and in general get the viewer way too hyped up and excited. Then the movie premiers and WHAM! Huge let down!

At least that’s been my experience. And since there isn’t a horror movie trailer out there that my husband won’t go goo-goo ga-ga over, let’s just say that both my Stumble Upon and Netflix accounts have me pegged as a psychopath with a clear passion for blood and guts. It’s a little disturbing that every time Netflix makes a suggestion for me, it’s in the horror genre and usually portrays a very scantly clad leading lady sprinkled with blood. They know that once I see the recommended trailer, I will run, grab the laptop and add the movie to my list immediately.

That’s an extremely long explanation for a very simple realization. For once in a very long time, I have watched a horror movie that was better - much better - than its trailer. Presented by Guillermo Del Toro and winning over 30 awards, I am honestly amazed that there wasn’t more talk about this one. We’re talking about the guy that brought us Pan’s Labyrinth, and after the hype that movie got, you’d think the man pooped gold. He certainly doesn’t disappoint in 2007’s El Orfanato, or The Orphanage.
It’s a beautifully constructed story of a family moving back to the place the mother grew up, a seaside orphanage, where they are planning on opening up a home for special needs children. Right from the start, tension in the home grows. There is absolutely no computer graphics, the eeriness of the surroundings and the amazing sound editing will send chills down your spine for days after you watch the credits roll. Listen in particularly close to the “purring”, so creepy!! Just waking up in the middle of the night to my cat nestling next to me left me freaked out.
This movie brings the scares the old-fashioned way, purely with atmosphere and wonderful acting. The most refreshing feature is the lack of scenes thrown in simply for a quick scare, for an immediate jump from the audience. Each scene builds to a great crescendo on its own and piled together, they culmiate into a wonderful climax. It’s a little heartwarming too.

There are rumors of a remake in the talks. PLEASE no! The English subtitles are perfectly fine, don’t watch it dubbed. And watch this version, any remake simply cannot outdo this wonderful watching experience!

On a side note, if you’d like to see my list of Netflix favorites, become my friend at

World Of Fairies Festival


As I have now been bitching about for days, I have no job and thus no income and thus am feeling very guilty about spending money on anything at all. But this weekend, in South Elgin, IL I have discovered a festival that I cannot believe I am going to have to miss!

Calling all Fairies! All Dragon Lovers! All those warlocks and witches (not to be confused with Wicca)! PLEASE take me some pictures of this years:

World Of Fairies Festivals
AUGUST 2nd and 3rd, 2008
WHEN: SAT 10:00 AM-7 PM
SUN 10:00 AM TO 5 PM

SOUTH ELGIN, ILI once dated a man who spent a majority of every day of his life on either crack or heroine. He thought he saw fairies. I once dated a guy who was obsessed with furbies and animal porn (just two animals going at it). He thought that dragons loomed over his house at night. I’m not passing judgment. I will need to see pictures from this years show before I can do that. So someone GO! And SHARE!

I will admit though, if all fairies are as hot as that one, I may have a change of opinion!

Otis Movie Review

Who doesn’t dream of the perfect prom night? All Otis wants is to take the hot cheerleader, enjoy his time in the sun as the prom king and maybe, if he plays his cards right, score some hot action. This is Otis:

See any problem? Otis has been out of high school for almost fifteen years. He is a beast of a man! Side note - this film actually introduces us to Bostin Christopher (good porn name huh?), who plays Otis. Pretty big coming out role. I predict this one will be a cult horror film classic, so who knows what his future acting career will hold!

The basic premise of Otis is simple. Otis wants a date so he kidnaps local girls. SPOILER - One girl breaks free and his family turns the tables on him and hunts him down.

The wackiness and awesomeness of the movie doesn’t really lie in the plot, although it’s totally twisted. It lies more in the characters and how they respond to the situation they are all thrown in. It’s a typical, middle class, suburban jungle setting. It’s a stereotypical two working parents and their two, high school kids. The dad was THE voice of The Wonder Years! We’ve got the pot smoking, slacker son who’s totally jealous of his too perfect, daddy’s favorite, daughter who later gets her hot self kidnapped.

Once the FBI gets involved, (including my least favorite player in the movie - see photo below) all hell breaks loss. I’d have to say, their incompetence is a little over the top, but that what makes the movie funny.
The humor is dark and dry - exactly how a good B movie, horror, soon-to-be cult classic comedy should be. How’s that for a descriptive sentence! Watch the damn trailer already.

Wanna hire me

Jennae LeFebvre
Phone · email

July 27th 2008

City, State, Zip Code

Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:

Are you looking for a dynamic, articulate, analytical and results-oriented individual? One who is fervently seeking employment? You found her! This letter is written in response to your advertisement in the ****** for (job title).

So far in my career I have:
Maintained and improved collection times and cash flow.
With a customer base of over 600 active accounts, I decreased the amount of cash over 60 days past due from an average of 23% to under 8%, even with the recent economic downturn.
Grew the accounts receivables department from its infancy into a department handling over 4 millions dollars in sales per year.
I worked diligently to create, execute and maintain receivables procedures which allowed the department to effectively manage cash flow and collections.
Improved customer satisfaction by implementing a rewards program for customers choosing to pay by credit or debit card.
As a result, weekly and monthly budgeting for payables was greatly improved.
Acquired first-hand knowledge of how a business runs, from both an operational aspect and a financial point-of-view.
I advanced from the afternoon filing clerk, to a lead customer service representative, to the head of the accounting department through hard work and dedication to my previous employer.

I can do similarly beneficial things for your company as well. I would appreciate a personal interview where we can discuss how I can be an asset to your (co./depart./org.). I am available at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for this consideration and your time,

Jennae LeFebvre


The Firing Squad

So two things today...

1. I have a new header! Thanks to gorillasushi and his awesome Photoshop ability you can all see the true freak inside of me. Yes, I did paint my band-aid to match my other toenails. It's a dirty little secret, but I LOVE to pick my nails! I can even cram my toes inside my mouth for real, nitty-gritty picking. And yes, I do have gigantic breasts. They rule my whole body. And I just outgrew my last round of bra purchases so I've had to go au natural. It really is the eighth wonder of the world how I don’t just fall over when I stand up. And lastly, I do have a new, super short, super Joan Jett style, pixie hair style. Thanks! I know, I do look totally hot, even if the picutre my loving husband choose doesn’t really show it.

2. I have no job! Yeap, I got canned today. About 4 hours ago. No warning. No clue! Everyone at work was in total shock…. I’m in a little bit of a shock right now right now… Anybody out there hiring? For Real?

The Watchmen Movie Trailer

For those of you who haven’t mailed in your gift-box bombs in response to my just - so - so review of The Dark Night, I present my redemption. While Batman gets a shoulder shrug, this movie trailer get an all out “hell’s yeah!”

Watchmen started out as a twelve comic book series, published by DC Comics in 1986 and 1987. It won the prestigious Hugo Award (presented annually to the best science fiction or fantasy work) and was named to Time Magazine’s 100 Best Novels from 1923 to the Present.

Creator Alan Moore admits that he “wanted to transcend the perceptions of the comic book medium…. Attempting to make a superhero Moby Dick, something that has that sort of weight, that sort of density.”

The Watchmen takes place in an alternative version of the mid 1980’s, where “superheroes” have helped shape the course of history, the out coming being much darker than how our reality played out. The dooms day clock is constantly set to five minutes to midnight because the cold war is still going strong.

Honestly, I’ve never read the comic. I’ve never read a graphic novel all the way through period. I’m going to have to now! Just watch the trailer already.

The website that Warner Brothers and DC have set up is easy to navigate but somewhat boring. I’m sure that as the opening looms closer, more and more will be added. There aren’t even any good photos yet - I had to hit up Google image search for these.

The movie doesn’t open until March 9th next year, and I am hoping desperately that by the time it does premier, I’m not already sick of hearing about it, a la Snakes on a Plane. I’m considering getting myself the comic books, they’ve been put into a handy paperback book all together. Or maybe I’ll borrow it from my old “comic book man” of a brother-in-law. Out and over with that bad Simpsons reference. Till next time.

Let the Hate Mail Begin!

The Dark Knight Movie Review
July 23rd, 2008

In case you’ve been living under a rock, or better acting as a troll under a bridge, there is this new movie out. It’s called “The Dark Knight” and it’s another installment in the Batman saga. I bet you’ve heard of it, as it is literally IMPOSSIBLE to turn on any television station or radio program and not hear the hype.

Heath Ledger starred in the role of the Joker. He was so engrossed in the role, he actually went crazy, unable to separate himself from the character he was playing on screen. He offed himself before filming was finished. He was an even better than Jack-o.

Nope. Don’t think so.

Christian Bale is the best Batman since Michael Keaton. It’s almost uncanny how well he “fills the suit”. And now, since his mother and sister have filed assault charges against him, rumors have started swirling about his state of mind as well.

Michael Keaton’s Batman = at least three times as good.

Gotham City has never looked better. Action after action sequence, all more explosive than the last, it’s amazing there are no computer generator scenes.
Go Chicago! We have the best city in the world to film in. Lower Wacker is THE place to film a chase scene. The effects were good, but I agree with everyone else in the world who wrote a review of this movie, The Dark Night is not about special effects. It’s supposed to be a gritty, real-life environment, and that it delivers.

Every, single person I know, every single one of them loved this movie. They all raved about the actors and the set and how it was the best ever superhero movie ever made. Hell, opening weekend was what like $150 million. A lot of people have seen this. And all the reviewers loved it.

I may be the only person alive who is going to go out on a limb and say it…. This movie was “ehh.” or (shrugs shoulders) or “good but not great” or “so-so:. There are lots of ways to phrase it. What it boils down to is that “The Dark Knight” was way over-hyped, so much so that I personally think it hurt the movie going experience.

There are lots of movies, even older ones like T2 or the first Matrix, that blow this movie out of the water. I LOVED “Wanted” which just opened up a few weeks ago. I think it was better. Better acting, bettering sets, better chase scenes and action scenes, and a way better leading lady. I love Maggie G. but come one, Angelina will always be the true love of my life.Should you see it in the theatre? My bet is you already did. If not, do it. It’s a pop culture must.

Facial Hair, It's a GO GO!

Facial Hair, it’s a GO GO!
July 22nd, 2008

First off, a shot out to my hubbie - Jason from www.gorillasushi.com. All of his subscribers, come on over! The water is warm, test it out!

Isn’t he a cutie with his freshly shaven head! That's an older picture, but it's the sexiest one I have saved on my laptop.

He may kill me for telling the world this, but he’s a hairy man. Luckily, it doesn’t extend onto his back (although that may be fun to wax!) and his ass isn’t too bad. He can grow a beard and mustache is under a week.

Why am I thinking about all this? Why am I obsessing about facial hair today? Thank you Stumble Upon for wasting some great time at work and showing me this wonderful chart.

Special thanks to:


Any of you try the Fu Manchu recently? Pictures to share?

A challenge to my man… how many can you grow… you have no job now…. Why not get funky with the facial hair?

But it's in 3-D!

But it’s in 3-d!
Journey to the Center of the Earth Movie Review

Under normal circumstances, I would not, repeat not, in a billion-zillion years go to a movie starring Brendan Fraser.

He’s not funny. He’s not cute. And he’s not a good actor. He is however staring in the newly released remake of “Journey to the Center of the Earth“. Strike one against the film. Plus, this movie looked like total cheese from the just the previews. And considering that the previews always show the best parts…. Strike two. Then there’s the fact that it’s a remake of an already crappy movie based on an equally crappy novel. Three strikes, you’re out! I think that you can get my drift. “Journey to the Center of the Earth“ = not on the top of my list of movies to see. Wouldn’t even make the Netflix list.

But since this is a review of that same movie I so vehemently just bashed, I think I have some explaining to do. It’s simple really. It boils down to three things. Company. Money. And Awesomeness.

My mother and father in law are great! They love movies more than their own children, a sad, true and tested fact. Their standing record is 19 movies at the show in one month. That‘s “at the show“. Add in movies watched at home, and I am sure they’ve topped 40. They have more tapes and DVD’s than the average mom -n- pop corner video store. This makes them “cool” in my eyes. And the best company to see a movie with. We gossip before the show starts, review/make fun of the previews, and then they know when to shut up as the feature starts to roll.

What makes them great? They never, ever, let me pay for anything, even if I insist. It‘s not happening. Ken, that‘s the father in law, has actually stuffed money back into my purse. Movies are expensive. And I’m cheap. Free movie? Sure I’ll tag along. Plus, it was like ninety-five degrees and humid here in Chicago that day, and my cheap ass keeps the temperature at my house set to 78 or 80, so it was also like free air conditioning.

I was a little reluctant on the phone when Candy, the mother in law, first asked me to go. See first paragraph again for details. Then, she mentioned that the movie was in 3-D. That’s the third dimension. That meant that all those cheesy dinosaurs and explosions would be popping off the big screen, scaring the crap out of me!

I went into the movie expecting little and honestly thinking I would hate it. I’m glad I went in with such low expectations! Since I was already bashing it before it started, the movie had nowhere to go but up. So it had to be better than I thought it would be.

Sure, the acting did suck. But I expected nothing more from Mr. Fraser and a cast of no bodies. Yeah, it was completely predictable and cheesy. But it was also fun! 3-d is cool. And while some of the scenes were obviously done solely because the movie was going to be shown in 3-d. But so what. I spent a weekday afternoon in a pretty cool fictional paradise with a giant t-rex swatting at me and little birds fluttering all around me. I was out of the heat and with two people I love. They laughed out load, so I did too. They clapped as the credits started to role, and I wasn’t embarrassed. I put aside the fact that I thought I was too cool for this movie, and just let myself enjoy it for what it is. A just fine, summer-time popcorn flick.

The Maneki Neko Legend

I took a walk today over to the grocery store and passed by yet another nail salon with no customers. There are probably a dozen or so of these salon with in a mile radius of my house, how they stay open is a matter of mystery. There in the window was lucky cat. I’ve seen lucky cat all over; in Chinese restaurants, laundry mats, grocery stores, dentists offices and a bank. But I’ve never really known what this cat figurine meant, and why it was displayed. So, on this rainy Saturday afternoon, I present to you my research, my take on the legend, gathered from a handful of sources, and compiled here for you. Educational, and entertaining. Could you ask for more?

The Maneki Neko Legend

In the 17th century, a poor priest lived with his cat, Tama, in a small temple near Tokyo, in a town called Setagaya. This much is known fact.

Legend has it, that this priest was so poor he hardly had enough food for himself. But, each day, he would find a way to feed his cat. One evening, a wealthy man was walking by when a thunderstorm suddenly started to downpour. Caught out in the rain, the man sought shelter under a tree near the temple. Squinting through the rain, he could see a cat beckoning him. He went to investigate, and -BOOM- thunder stroke and lighting hit the tree he has just left. This little cat had saved him! He picked up Tama and became friends with the old priest. For the rest of Tama’s life, this man took care of the temple and never again did either priest or cat go hungry.

When Tama died, the priest buried him in Goutokuja Temple cat cemetery. The wealthy man placed a ceramic figurine of a beckoning cat (or maneki neko in Japanese) atop the grave. The sign that the maneki neko is holding reads, “Please come in, You are welcome.”

In modern times, the lucky cat figurine is kept by shop owners to bring good luck and visitor. Many other Asian cultures have adopted him as their own, displaying him proudly, beckoning in clients. Maybe there’s something to say to this old superstition. Maybe lucky cat is what’s keeping alive all the nail salons and Chinese take-out places around here. Or, more likely, it’s the owners handwork and drive to share in the American dream. Us born here tend to take by a little less than motivated.

Want to color your own maneki neko?