A hermit whose cult flourished in France. Patron saint of horticulturists and those who suffer from veneral disease.
Today’s feelings?
Anxious craziness Which patron saint will help me out? Dympna
A woman who lived in solitude with where lover after fleeing from the sexual advances of her father (she looked too much like her dead mother). Dad burned both daughter and lover at the stake. The town where this all went down eventually became famous for treating the mentally ill and the towns folk adopted her as their saint.
Today’s agenda?
Writing Which patron saint will guide me? Francis de Sales
Bishop of Geneva who wrote texts for lay-folk explaining the church ‘s practices. Famous saying: “ flies are attracted by a spoonful of honey than by a whole barrel of vinegar.”
**I’m an atheist with a knack for picking up books with visually stimulating covers from the “to be re-shelved” cart at the library.
“As a part of their study of the Holocaust, the children of the Whitwell, TN Middle School try to collect 6 million paper clips representing the 6 million Jews killed by the Nazis.”
One of my personal favorite documentaries of all times! If you’ve seen it, please let me know what you thought.
Completely unrelated, but cool video: Paper Clips Stop Motion
What can we do to have a happy, loving atmosphere in our home? Make your home somewhere you both want to be.
What can you say and do to meet your spouses needs. Try asking what those needs are. You may be surprised.
What positive things can I say and do to put my (husband or wife) in a positive emotional state? Give the wine is not the correct answer - just the easiest!
How can I address an issue to get the outcome that we both want and need? Before speaking, clarify the outcome you want. Silence is ok.
Say something appreciative a few times a day.
What benefit have you gained from your marriage? Write a list of ways that you have benefited from being married to your spouse. Keep adding to the list and reread it frequently.
What do you love about your spouse? Write a list of your spouses positive patterns and qualities. Keep adding to the list and read it frequently.
What can you do to bring out the best qualities of your spouse? Try to reinforce those qualities with words and action.
What went wrong in the past? STOP! What is past is the past. You create the present and future with your thoughts, words, and actions.
This is my husband... gorillasushi... This is his poem... His plea...
I want to push my body again. I want to do it right this time. I want to find my old friends and kick with them without the disappointment of an intangible injury. I want to show up at a competition and have people say "who is that guy?" I want to live my dreams again.
Jason, that’s my hubby, called me a nimrod today. Nimrod? Since I didn’t know that exact definition, I was left with a flood of pictures of what a nimrod actually is flying through my head. Stuff like:
Nope, that doesn’t help. Nor does…
Get it… Sim’s Rod… like fishing… ok, that’s a stretch. And then all those years of bible school came kicking back in!
Nimrod was the great-grandson of Noah. In addition to being the creator of the Tower Of Babel, he is also a noted hunter - which is what got him the money and status to take control of land and then build that famous tower to the gods that back fired and gave us different languages.
So I hit the internet. Hard. A whole afternoon of researching.
My conclusion was this… Bugs Bunny frequently called Elmer Fudd a “poor little nimrod.” And since Nimrod created the Tower of Babel and Elmer Fudd stuttered and stammered over his own words, and stupidly can never catch Bugs…
Nimrod took on the negative connotation of a foolish person.
Then I remembered that rule that someone came up with that I am not researching the name of as I’ve already spent all afternoon on this…
From dictionary.com (where else?) nimrod noun(Old Testament) a famous hunter AND Informal A person regarded as silly, foolish, or stupid.
You know the rule, the one that says the simplest answer is usually the right answer?
Complete and total chick flick. I sat on the couch with my husband, watching this, me with tears in my eyes and him laughing his butt off at the leading guy and how completely unrealistic the whole set-up even was. And predictable.
But that’s kind of the point of a girly romantic comedy. The guys in the movie are BETTER and NICER and have EMOTIONS that they aren’t afraid to share.
Video montage of funny moments from the movie:
The Hills Have Eyes II
Do I need to explain again my extreme addiction to bad horror movies? I seriously cannot see a trailer for one without having to put it on my Netflix account.
I KNEW that this movie was going to seriously suck. The original was bad enough, but a sequel… what was I thinking! It’s an addiction and I need help!
My Sunday = Jason Statham movie marathon!
The Bank Job
Jason Statham is supposed to be an action hero. He’s supposed to show off his amazing body. He’s supposed to be in movies that aren’t just “ahh - so-so”… Enter the Bank Job. I guess every actor deserves one dud.
Instead of seeing the movie watch this great interview with Jason Statham instead!
Death Race
Saw this one opening weekend - and the theatre was still empty. Granted, it was an afternoon showing on a Sunday, but still, I thought there’d at least be some people there.
An action-packed popcorn flick, this movie would have been smart to get itself a PG-13 rating instead of an R. The only people I can see really loving this movie are going to be teenage boys. Guess they’re all going to have to wait for it to come out on DVD.
I stumbled upon this sight while procrastinating at the library. After watching each and every trailer on this site, I realized that over an hour had gone by and that I had a great post. Hope you find the site as entertaining as me, just don’t get caught at work watching some of them… You’ve been warned. My top three favorite are below.
10 Things I Hate About Commandments
One of my favorite movies – The Ten Commandments, I watch this movie at least twice a year, every Xmas and every Easter. Now, I am never going to be watch it without feeling a little bit dirty.
Little Miss Sunshine Re-cut Trailer
The original trailer was super depressing… this, well, this re-cut is version definitely puts a whole new spin on the movie. You’ll just have to watch it to understand.
Brokeback to the Future
Back to the Future III wasn’t the best of movies. Going back to the old west? Seemed like a stretch at the time… milking the franchise for all it was worth. But now, you can see how the romance plays out between Doc and Marty.
An all-star cast is putting things mildly; these actors came together and created a master piece.
I am so in love with this movie.Hubby and I actually sat through the whole movie again this morning with the commentary on.We even watched it to the very end.I’ve never before had enough interest in a film to do that.I felt like Josh Hartnett and Lucy Liu were sitting on the couch next to us, just gabbing about the movie.
The plot is anything but simple. I can’t even attempt to explain it without given up some twists and turns that you should really see for yourself. Just try and watch the first eight minutes of it and not immediately put in on your list of rentals.
See… told you so! The rest of the movie plays out beautifully. I’d say it’s the best written and directed script since Fight Club or Snatch (my two previous favorites).
Speaking of Lucy Liu, here’s a crazy stalker video montage of her greatness.
I looked hard for a trailer I liked, one that wouldn’t give too much away. But really, there aren’t any.
One of the greatest things about this movie, is that after you know the ending, all the pieces fall into place, and it leaves you eager to watch it again to spot all the “clues” throughout. The director assumes that his audience has a brain and doesn’t spell it all out like too many movies do today.
Not only am I going to give this one five stars on Netflix, 100% on Rotten Tomatoes, and ten out of ten on IMDB, I’m also going to call it my favorite movie. That’s a tall order, but Lucky Number Slevin deserves it.
In an attempt to stay sane and focused, I’ve been spending more time at the library since I lost my job.If I stay home, I tend to get a bit depressed and way antsy.By making myself get up and dressed and out the door, I feel like I have at least the semblance of a routine
Library culture is very interesting.We have a nice selection of regulars.
There are the college kids who didn’t go home for the summer, who spend their days prepping for the MCATs or other equally impressive tests.
We have the day traders.They’re easy to spot by the constant wrinkle in their forehead.
The mommies usually make an appearance right before lunch time. I think there must be some story time on the lower level right about then, the kids’ yelling having loud fun.
And then there is the one five- or six-year old girl who just wails away no matter what her dad does to calm her down.She’s my alarm clock, telling me when it’s time to reload on the coffee.
There are the retired folk who are the saddest things ever!Sitting by themselves in the quiet reading section, doing cross-words and I imagine pooping themselves.
But the most bad-ass regulars… the hobos!
Back round:
Naperville, Illinois is ritzy.By that I mean, big houses, bigger egos, and a huge tax revenue; enough for the city to support 3 libraries.My library is the #1 in the nation, based on population.It’s a college town with pricey restaurants and not a single homeless shelter or food stamp assistance office (I checked).
So how do we have hobos hangin’ out at the library each and everyday?I’ve narrowed in on three people in particular I am sure fit the hobo criteria.
Hobo:a lout, clumsy fellow, country bumpkin.OR a disreputable vagrant; "a homeless tramp"
*that’s dictionary.com’s definition.
Others may consider a hobo to be called: Italian or Spanish: vagabondo Danish or French or Swedish: vagabond Czech or Slovak: tramp
I like to think of a hobo more on a visual basis, see video – it’s sad and a little offensive, you’ve been warned. The video’s not best quality, but it shows you exactly what TYPE of hobo I’m referring to.
I love my hobos. They make for good entertainment when I need some distraction from writing and actually accomplishing anything.
For example,
One of my hobos uses the payphone for his own… makes for great viewing when someone else attempts to place a call… hobo storming out and standing uncomfortably close behind the caller… trying to give the naive person a hint to get lost.
The payphone hobo and the sad old man hobo get into it, almost everyday arguing over answers to crossword puzzles.
Or when the lady hobo got kicked out for yelling at a kid who accidentally bumped into one of her numerous plastic bags she brings everywhere with her.
I haven’t really figured out why these three are always here, but I think it has to do with them being crazy, and without family to care for them.
Sad really. But also quite amusing. One more fun hobo video for your pleasure.
I fell in love with Ellen Page when she starred in Candy as the insane teenager exploiting her sexuality for her own revenge. Then she did this film with little media-coverage, and then she played Juno.
I wonder if she’d go and take this roll back now that she knows what a huge success she’s destine to grow into?
It’s indie for the sake of being indie. See trailer below for example:
Don’t get the wrong idea. I liked the movie – overall. Stress overall. It took me a little time to get over the use of multiple frames, but once I did, I thought they worked very well with the film. Not so with the husband. He couldn’t stand the editing or the multiple camera angles.
For an overly indie, Canadian film done on a smaller budget, I think the movie delivered. The acting was sold, the script was well written, and the plot was thoroughly developed. I wouldn’t buy it and I won’t watch it again. But, if you’ve got Netflix it’s an instant watch and a good way to spend a sleepy morning.
Oh, and just in case you weren’t 100% sure that Ellen Page has “made it” as an actress…. She now has a plethora of fan-created music/photo montages on youtube, each a little creepier than the last.
*Title to this little internet gem? “Ellen Page- the Beautiful Canadien” Yes, Canadian is spelled wrong… loser couldn’t even do a spell check before professing his love.
I haven’t seen either of these, but I am anxious for both!
Now entering girls-only territory here….Don’t say I didn’t warn you!
Releasing September 12th
The Women
Looks a bit like a Sex and the City rip off - but it’s a remake of a 1939 movie, so I’m thinking that S&C was the rip.
Great cast! Meg Ryan, Annette Bening, Eva Mendes, Debra Messing, Jada Pinkett-Smith. Total Chick-tastic plot, girl power all the way! Sex, friends, man-bashing, money, & lots of liquor. Trailer:
Coming to DVD August 19th
Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day
Light hearted romantic comedy.
Frances McDormand- how can you not love here!Plus Amy Adams is kind of a hottie!
Total self-discovery plot. Socialite learns to follow her heart and her “handler” learns how to let her hair down! Video Review:
I’ve loved Monk since its first season. Back when he was a little bit more disordered and Sharona was still in the picture as his nurse. (creepy stalker fan video below)
It’s not fair to say that I love Monk really. Love the show – yes, love the character…. Not bad, but so not my favorite.
The best character on the show, Detective Disher. Hands down. He’s even got his own online advice video blog!
How can you not love him! He’s adorable, innocent, handsome in a nerdish sort of way, and plain nice. Desperately in love with Natalie… will he ever get his chance? Some crazed fans think so – just watch….
Ok.So I’m sure if you are anything like almost every other person in the word, you are sick and tired of the girl from Little Miss Sunshine.She’s quickly losing her cuteness, and her acting leaves lots to the imagination.And as a general rule, Ryan Reynolds is block office poison.
Why again did I add this to Netflix?I swear it was Jason, he swears it was my choice.Whatever the reason, I had low expectations going in, and looked at simply as a quick, romantic comedy, Definitely, Maybe,definitely didn’t suck.
Here’s the best scene in the movie – now you don’t have to watch it at all!You’re welcome!
The People Under the Stairs
The same lack of sucking can’t be said for this little … well piece of crap.Not even bad enough to just be considered campy.Just plain lousy.But….It did star one of my favorite grungy-era teenagers!Can you guess
Thelma & Louise
I know.I’m twenty-six years old.How is it that this was my first time watching this?I hadn’t even seen clips of it before, and as uber-geeky as it sounds, I hadn’t even seen the sexy Brad Pitt parts – not even as stills!
It is definitely dated.But the plot is still great.As a woman, I was a little insulted by how the two main characters were portrayed, they do come off like idiots.
Preheat oven to 375 degrees.Mix together flour, oats, soda, powder and salt.Set aside.
Cream together butter, Crisco and mayonnaise.Add sugars and beat until fluffy.Stir in vanilla.Add eggs one at a time, mixing well.Add flour mixture and blend just until all moistened. Gently fold in chocolate chips and dark chocolate covered almonds.